Référence: 11050
Marque: MAKEBLOCK Education
Capteur de couleurs mBot Me
9,60 € TTC
mBot six-legged robot is a 3-in-1 expansion pack based on mBot.
You can construct "Beetle", "Mantis" and "Crazy Frog" with mBot and the parts inside the pack.
The mBot six-legged robot makes mBot more vivacious and enjoyable. Let's get your six-legged robot move!
Shape one: Beetle
A six-legged beetle that moves quickly.
It turns around and attacks the enemy promptly!
Shape two: Mantis
It quietly crawls, waving two arms disposedly.
It is the hunter from the darkness,
approaching you, and catching you…
Shape three: Crazy Frog
A little crazy frog,
dashes around so madly that,
nobody can stop it.
Part List:
Référence: 11050
Marque: MAKEBLOCK Education
Référence: P1010144
Marque: MAKEBLOCK Education
Référence: 94010
Marque: MAKEBLOCK Education
Référence: 13002
Marque: MAKEBLOCK Education
Référence: 90040
Marque: MAKEBLOCK Education
Référence: MAK10060
Marque: MAKEBLOCK Education
Référence: P5020080
Marque: MAKEBLOCK Education
Référence: 90020
Marque: MAKEBLOCK Education
Référence: P1030243-RES
Marque: MAKEBLOCK Education
Référence: P1020007
Marque: MAKEBLOCK Education
Référence: 98056
Marque: MAKEBLOCK Education
Référence: P1010132
Marque: MAKEBLOCK Education
Référence: P5010084
Marque: MAKEBLOCK Education
Référence: 60026
Marque: MAKEBLOCK Education
Référence: 12015
Marque: MAKEBLOCK Education